I am starting to harvest large amounts of food from my forest garden. This is what I had for lunch today.
Stir fried combination of all the following- Black Russian tomato, yellow courgettes and basil from the greenhouse; mushroom which grew in the mushroom compost I use in the fishboxes where I grow my tomatoes; shallots which I planted last autumn, sorrel and Greek cress from the garden and shop bought peppers and ginger. It then had cold pressed Palestinian olive oil drizzled over it along with the spicy thyme dried mix which came free with the olive oil.
It was a feast.
For dessert I had home grown raspberries, redcurrants and blackcurrants with shop bought ginger ice cream.
I have had a huge crop of salmonberries this year ( Rubus spectabilis) and have frozen loads to have with my yoghurt for breakfasts. I am having a problem with the salmonberries as they are starting to take over large areas of the garden. they form large clumps and the birds spread the seeds all over. Some drastic action is needed with my favourite gardening tool, the mattock.